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The Wolf at the Door: Darren Demaree’s Two Towns Over

Two Towns Over

Review by Donna Vorreyer // July 31, 2018 Trio House Press, 2018Paperback, 84 pp, $16 Meet the wolf.  Seductive. Dangerous. In Darren Demaree’s Two Towns Over, drugs are the wolves that infiltrate and prowl the author’s home state of Ohio, turning the kingdom of his childhood into a fairy tale in reverse, haunted by lost dreams […]

A Conversation of Selves: Canese Jarboe’s dark acre

Dark Acre

Review by Emily Corwin // July 13, 2018Willow Springs BooksACME Poetry Series, 2018 Neosporin Pussy Queen, Rodeo Queen, Rapunzel, figurine, showgirl, apex predator, a midnight bride with a 40-foot train: Canese Jarboe’s speaker is all of these and more, riveting us in their debut chapbook, dark acre (Willow Springs, 2018). I have been entranced, awe-struck with Canese ever since I met them (digitally) in 2016, and was floored […]