Confessional to Famous Iranian Pop Singer Dariush II
Darius Atefat-Peckham
I am zealous. And joyful, too. This week, I ordered your beard
on Amazon. If I could, I’d dismember myself and multiply. Spread to the far reaches
of the garden, the hoz bubbling like a body on its way through. I ordered
your beard even though I can grow it myself. I like to wear it around my ears, sing
and feel it, a thing other than myself, peel it like tree peonies from the hinges
of my face. I sing harmonies with a beautiful girl in your language
in the garden, get it on the third or fourth try. It’s easier to sing in languages I don’t know
when I’m not myself. When I was a boy, I grew my beard as thick
as I could, dark patches of chrysanthemums growing open against
the window of my face. My Bibi laughs, says I’m
like a mullah. She touches the roughness of my jaw to open me up, makes a wish for what’s
underneath. An Iranian girl informs me this is how
I’m white-passing. I’m still glad, if only so she can’t see my white-
passing blush. When I was learning to paint, Bibi loosened
the brush from my fist, showed me how to drag Lilium petals across the base
of my mountain with a toothpick. Get their texture. Like yellow
pubic hair, I thought with regret. I still haven’t forgiven her
for dislodging beauty from what I struggled to make. Once, I watched
many hands reach to tear bits of color from my mother’s
canvas. Please, it’s like taking a piece of her
with you, the holy man said before the ruins. Horrified, I tear a piece of my mother and place
her in my pocket. I want to say it is not
the same as the pockets of strangers. To explain that in the divided body grace survives
undivided. To ask myself Gharibi mi-koni, why are you acting such
a stranger. I want to say the felt of my pocket is not the same
as soil. Nothing can grow there. I want to break
apart. But I’m not wearing my beard yet. The girl begins playing her guitar before
I’ve begun to sing. The hairs of my face spread apart, tear, are carried
away. How can I pray if I’m not making myself darker.