The editors at Grist seek work of high literary quality from both emerging and established writers. We welcome all styles and aesthetic approaches. Grist is committed to diversity, inclusivity, cultural interchange, and respect for all individuals who are part of the literary community. We welcome submissions from writers in every stage of their career and are especially interested in considering work from emerging writers. More than 90% of the content of our most recent issues has come from unsolicited submissions. We love discovering new voices.
Founded in 2007 by graduate students in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Tennessee, Grist is a nationally distributed journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, and craft essays.
Published annually every spring, each issue is accompanied by Grist Online, which features some of the best work we’ve received during our reading period. In addition to general submissions, Grist holds the Pro Forma Contest every spring, recognizing unpublished creative work that explores the relationship between content and form, whether in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or a hybrid genre.
Work that first appeared in our pages has gone on to be included in Best New Poets, Best American Essays, and the Pushcart Prize anthology. Past issues have included such writers as Dan Albergotti, Dorothy Allison, Ellen Bass, Richard Bausch, Maud Casey, Peter Ho Davies, Timothy Donnelly, Tom Franklin, Elizabeth Gilbert, Adam Johnson, Lyn Hejinian, T.R. Hummer, Fady Joudah, Dorianne Laux, Julia B. Levine, Lisa Lewis, Thomas Lynch, Khaled Mattawa, Joseph Millar, Ander Monson, Danielle Pafunda, Ron Rash, Hilda Raz, Maura Stanton, Michael Steinberg, Virgil Suárez, William Wenthe, and many others.
Read Online Reviews

god mornings, tiger nights by Nuha Fariha
Reviewed by Shlagha Borah | December 7, 2023Game Over Books, 2023Paperback, $18 “I traveled light like all daughters, carrying only my weight out of the

All Hat, No Cattle by Mariah Rigg
Reviewed by Sarah Harshbarger | August 8, 2023Bull City Press, 2023Paperback, $4.99 Mariah Rigg’s chapbook All Hat, No Cattle is a masterclass in “Compressions,” the

Maybe This Is What I Deserve by Tucker Leighty-Phillips
Reviewed by Shlagha Borah | July 21, 2023 Split/Lip Press, 2023 Paperback, $12 Tucker Leighty-Phillips’ flash fiction chapbook, Maybe This Is What I Deserve, is

The editors at Grist seek work of high literary quality from both emerging and established writers. We welcome all styles and aesthetic approaches. Grist is committed to diversity, inclusivity, cultural interchange, and respect for all individuals who are part of the literary community. We welcome submissions from writers in every stage of their career and are especially interested in considering work from emerging writers. More than 90% of the content of our most recent issues has come from unsolicited submissions. We love discovering new voices.
Founded in 2007 by graduate students in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Tennessee, Grist is a nationally distributed journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, and craft essays.
Published annually every spring, each issue is accompanied by Grist Online, which features some of the best work we’ve received during our reading period. In addition to general submissions, Grist holds the Pro Forma Contest every spring, recognizing unpublished creative work that explores the relationship between content and form, whether in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or a hybrid genre.
Work that first appeared in our pages has gone on to be included in Best New Poets, Best American Essays, and the Pushcart Prize anthology. Past issues have included such writers as Dan Albergotti, Dorothy Allison, Ellen Bass, Richard Bausch, Maud Casey, Peter Ho Davies, Timothy Donnelly, Tom Franklin, Elizabeth Gilbert, Adam Johnson, Lyn Hejinian, T.R. Hummer, Fady Joudah, Dorianne Laux, Julia B. Levine, Lisa Lewis, Thomas Lynch, Khaled Mattawa, Joseph Millar, Ander Monson, Danielle Pafunda, Ron Rash, Hilda Raz, Maura Stanton, Michael Steinberg, Virgil Suárez, William Wenthe, and many others.