Learning to eat: an essay in twelve dishes and one dinner party
Éireann Lorsung makes pictures, texts, rooms, and clothes, and spends joyful time thinking in the company of others. Milkweed Editions published Music for Landing Planes By, Her book, and The Century; you can find out more at

Elegy Written in a City Fish Market
Dan Huppman is a writer based in Philadelphia. His work can be found in the Journal and TINGE Magazine. He plays drums in the bands Puriden and Petrol. He is happy to be here, thanks.

Big Break: A Multiple-Choice Test
Sandra Beasley is the author of Don’t Kill the Birthday Girl: Tales from an Allergic Life, a disability memoir. Her nonfiction has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Virginia Quarterly Review, Creative Nonfiction, LitHub, and A Harp in the Stars: An Anthology of Lyric Essays. She is the author of four poetry collections, most recently Made to Explode, which won the Housatonic Book Award, and she edited Vinegar and Char: Verse from the Southern Foodways Alliance.
Photo credit: Andrew Lightman

How To Fix Everything
J Lazar is a writer and co-founder of the Field Academiy, a school that seeks to make learning and life indistinguishable. She is currently working on a family memoir exploring whiteness and erasure through stories of alchemy and migration. Jen is grateful for the best mammals she knows: her partner, Daniel, her daughter, Artemis Grace, and their provocative housecat, Radio. Keep up with J’s work at

J. Kasper Kramer is the author of the critically acclaimed middle-grade novel The Story That Cannot Be Told (2019) and The List of Unspeakable Fears (2021), and an adjunct professor in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Her nonfiction can be found in The Rumpus, Writer’s Digest, and The Coachella Review. Visit her at

Susie Revisited
Peter Galligan is a communications manager from Denver, Colorado. He is currently pursuing an interdisciplinary master’s degree in writing and business administration at Western New Mexico University. His work has appeared in journals such as Mud Season Review, From Whispers to Roars, Red Savina Review, and Metrosphere. He also produces electronic dance music under the name “Medias Res,” and his music has been featured on numerous EDM compilations.

Good With Animals
Alysia Li Ying Sawchyn is a Senior Features Editor at The Rumpus. Her debut essay collection, A Fish Growing Lungs (2020), was a finalist for the Believer Awards in nonfiction. She has received fellowships from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and the Kenyon Writers’ Workshop, and she teaches creative writing at Warren Wilson College.

Take Good Care
Melanie Pierce holds an MFA in fiction from Stony Brook University, where she was a BookEnds fellow. Her stories and interviews have appeared in CRAFT, Electric Literature, Pleiades, and elsewhere. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, where she teaches at the Kansas City Art Institute and serves as the reviews editor for The New Territory magazine. “Take Good Care” is her debut creative non-fiction publication.

Learning to eat: an essay in twelve dishes and one dinner party
Éireann Lorsung makes pictures, texts, rooms, and clothes, and spends joyful time thinking in the company of others. Milkweed Editions published Music for Landing Planes By, Her book, and The Century; you can find out more at

Elegy Written in a City Fish Market
Dan Huppman is a writer based in Philadelphia. His work can be found in the Journal and TINGE Magazine. He plays drums in the bands Puriden and Petrol. He is happy to be here, thanks.
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