New Fiction

We Could Fix You
Alan Sincic teaches at Valencia College. His fiction has appeared in the New Ohio Review, Greensboro Review, Saturday Evening Post, and elsewhere/ His short stories have won contests sponsored by the Texas Observer, Driftwood Press, Prism Review, Westchester, American Writer’s Review, Broad River Review, and Pulp Literature. The opening chapter of his novel, The Slapjack, won the 2021 First Pages Prize.

Circle of Instruction
Circle of Instruction Gage Saylor There are two types of people in this world: Jeopardy people and Wheel people. The Roberts are Jeopardy people. It’s

Sumita Mukherji’s work has appeared in Witness, Failbetter, SmokeLong Quarterly, and elsewhere. She has an MFA in fiction writing from Warren Wilson College and her work has been supported by a Bread Loaf scholarship. She is working on a novel. Find out more at

Tell Them You Love Them in Person
Tell Them You Love Them in Person Zachary Kocanda The day before Valentine’s Day, the sign above the expressway read: Texting is tacky. Tell them

Aaron’s Trash
Nitya Gupta (she/her) is a fiction writer from Chicago. She’s currently an MFA candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She was a 2023 Tin House Scholar and a finalist for the 2022 Jesmyn Ward Fiction Prize. Her work has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review.

Not Everyone Gets To Go To Tennessee
Andrew Furman is a professor of English at Florida Atlantic University and teaches in its MFA program in Creative Writing. Recent stories and essays have appeared in such publications as Prairie Schooner, Santa Monica Review,, and Willow Springs. His books include the novels Jewfish (Little Curlew Press, 2020) and Goldens are Here (Green Writers Press, 2018), and the memoir, Bitten: My Unexpected Love Affair with Florida (University Press of Florida, 2014), which was named a finalist for the ASLE Environmental Book Award. You can find him at

We Could Fix You
Alan Sincic teaches at Valencia College. His fiction has appeared in the New Ohio Review, Greensboro Review, Saturday Evening Post, and elsewhere/ His short stories have won contests sponsored by the Texas Observer, Driftwood Press, Prism Review, Westchester, American Writer’s Review, Broad River Review, and Pulp Literature. The opening chapter of his novel, The Slapjack, won the 2021 First Pages Prize.

Circle of Instruction
Circle of Instruction Gage Saylor There are two types of people in this world: Jeopardy people and Wheel people. The Roberts are Jeopardy people. It’s

Sumita Mukherji’s work has appeared in Witness, Failbetter, SmokeLong Quarterly, and elsewhere. She has an MFA in fiction writing from Warren Wilson College and her work has been supported by a Bread Loaf scholarship. She is working on a novel. Find out more at

Tell Them You Love Them in Person
Tell Them You Love Them in Person Zachary Kocanda The day before Valentine’s Day, the sign above the expressway read: Texting is tacky. Tell them
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