
Collin Callahan was born in Illinois. His first collection of poetry, Thunderbird Inn, won the 2022 Minds on Fire Open Prize. His poems have appeared in Denver Quarterly, SLICE, Cream City Review, Hobart, Carve Magazine, Witness, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere. Collin holds an MFA from the University of Arkansas—where he was awarded the 2017 Walton Family Fellowship in Poetry—and is currently a PhD candidate in Creative Writing at Florida State University. He is the recipient of the 2021 Bat City Review Editors’ Prize in poetry.

Luisa Anselmi as Saul at Damascus
Danielle Rose is the author of two short books: at first & then and The History of Mountains. Her work can be found at Palette, Hobart & Pithead Chapel.

Truth and Violence Carved My Baby Out of Stone
Jordan Escobar is a writer in Jamaica Plain, MA. He is a 2022 Djanikian Scholar in Poetry. Recent work can be found in Zone 3, Willow Springs, Colorado Review and elsewhere. He currently divides his time teaching at Emerson College and Babson College, and working as a professional beekeeper.

Origin Story
Paul Christiansen received his BA at St. Olaf College and his MFA at Florida International University. He is the author of Beneath Saigon’s Chò Nâu (Phương Nam Publishing House), a bilingual collection of essays and the co-editor of A Rainy Night in the City (Hanoi Publishing House), a bilingual anthology of short stories. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Atlanta Review, Best New Poets, Pleiades, Quarter After Eight, Threepenny Review, Zone Three and elsewhere. A former Fulbright Fellow, he currently resides in Saigon and works as content director for Saigoneer.

How Did It Get This Bad?
Paul Christiansen received his BA at St. Olaf College and his MFA at Florida International University. He is the author of Beneath Saigon’s Chò Nâu (Phương Nam Publishing House), a bilingual collection of essays and the co-editor of A Rainy Night in the City (Hanoi Publishing House), a bilingual anthology of short stories. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Atlanta Review, Best New Poets, Pleiades, Quarter After Eight, Threepenny Review, Zone Three and elsewhere. A former Fulbright Fellow, he currently resides in Saigon and works as content director for Saigoneer.

New Year of the Mind
Jonathan Dubow has recent work in the Crab Creek Review, Coal Hill Review, Ethel Zine, Jewish Currents and elsewhere. He lives in Schenectady, NY and teaches in the department of Writing and Critical Inquiry at the University at Albany-SUNY.

essay on distance
Juliana Chang is a Taiwanese American poet. Her debute poetry chapbook, INHERITANCE, was the winner of the 2020 Vella Prize and published with Paper Nautilus Press in 2021. Juliana’s work appears or is forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, The Chestnut Review, diode poetry journal, and other journals. She is a student at Harvard Law School, where she is a Presidential Public Service Fellow and an editor of the ,em.Harvard Law Review.

Alive in Ohio
Abby Wheeler lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was a 2021 finalist for the Great Midwest Writing Contest, and has work published or forthcoming in SWWIM, The Free State Review and elsewhere. Her chapbook, In the Roots, is available from Finishing Line Press.

Confessional to Famous Iranian Pop Singer Dariush II
Darius Atefat-Peckham is an Iranian-American poet and essayist. His work has appeared in Indiana Review, Barrow Street, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Florida Review, Brevity, Crab Orchard Review and elsewhere. His work has appeared in numerous anthologies, including My Shadow is My Skin: Voices from the Iranian Diaspora (University of Texas Press). Atefat-Peckham lives in Huntington, West Virginia and studies Creative Writing at Harvard College.

beach house
Rachel B. Glaser is the author of the novel Paulina & Fran, the short story collection Pee On Water, and the poetry books MOODS and HAIRDO. Glaser studied painting at RISD and received her MFA in Creative Writing from Umass-Amherst. In 2017, she was on Granta’s list of Best of Young American Novelists. Her fiction has been anthologized in New American Stories. She lives in Northampton, Massachusetts and teaches at the Mountainview Low-Residency MFA.
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