New Fiction

Dream of a Unified Field
Josh Emmons has published two novels with Scribner and a short story collection with Dzanc Books, plus fiction in ZYZZYVA, Ecotone, Chicago Quarterly Review, Santa Monica Review, West Branch, The American Scholar, Joyland, The New York Times and elsewhere. He lives in Los Angeles.

The First of June
Carolyn Zaikowski is the author of the hybrid novel In a Dream, I Dance by Myself, and I Collapse (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016). Her fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in The Washington Post, Everyday Feminism, DIAGRAM, West Branch, Dusie, Huffington Post, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Naropa University and currently works in Western Massachusetts as an English professor and death doula. Find her online at

Jordan Hill is an adjunct professor at Florida International University where he teaches creative writing and rhetoric. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Islandia Journal, Whale Road Review, and The MacGuffin.

Jessica Dealing’s work has been published in Meat for Tea: The Valley Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, The MacGuffin, and elsewhere. She is an MFA candidate at Florida International University.

The Thief
Joseph Rakowski is a fiction writer. His short stories have been published by The Carolina Quarterly, The Antigonish Review, The Normal School, New Ohio Review, Witness Magazine, and elsewhere.

Elephants Bury Their Dead
Jasmine Sawers is a Kundiman fellow in fiction and a graduate of the MFA program at Indiana University. Originally from Buffalo, New York, Sawers now lives and pets dogs outside St. Louis. Sawers’s work has appeared in such publications as Ploughshares, Fairy Tale Review, and The Offing. Find out more at

Aaron’s Trash
Nitya Gupta (she/her) is a fiction writer from Chicago. She’s currently an MFA candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She was a 2023 Tin House Scholar and a finalist for the 2022 Jesmyn Ward Fiction Prize. Her work has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review.

Not Everyone Gets To Go To Tennessee
Andrew Furman is a professor of English at Florida Atlantic University and teaches in its MFA program in Creative Writing. Recent stories and essays have appeared in such publications as Prairie Schooner, Santa Monica Review,, and Willow Springs. His books include the novels Jewfish (Little Curlew Press, 2020) and Goldens are Here (Green Writers Press, 2018), and the memoir, Bitten: My Unexpected Love Affair with Florida (University Press of Florida, 2014), which was named a finalist for the ASLE Environmental Book Award. You can find him at

Dream of a Unified Field
Josh Emmons has published two novels with Scribner and a short story collection with Dzanc Books, plus fiction in ZYZZYVA, Ecotone, Chicago Quarterly Review, Santa Monica Review, West Branch, The American Scholar, Joyland, The New York Times and elsewhere. He lives in Los Angeles.

The First of June
Carolyn Zaikowski is the author of the hybrid novel In a Dream, I Dance by Myself, and I Collapse (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016). Her fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in The Washington Post, Everyday Feminism, DIAGRAM, West Branch, Dusie, Huffington Post, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Naropa University and currently works in Western Massachusetts as an English professor and death doula. Find her online at
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