New Fiction

The Temperate Zone
Sara Joyce Robinson is a native and current resident of Southern California. She earned her MFA in Fiction from the University of California, Irvine, and served as Editor-in-Chief for their literary magazine Faultline for two years. Her past work has been published in Scribendi and been recognized as a finalist for Glimmertrain‘s New Voices Prize. She is currently at work on a novel.

Therapy Animals and Other Performers
Katie DePasquale enjoys telling a good story and making sure it’s correctly punctuated. A Pushcart Prize nominee for fiction, her writing has appeared in Tin House online, Tupelo Quarterly, Milk Candy Review, GASHER Journal, and Atticus Review, among other publications. She has an M.A. in writing and publishing from Emerson College and works as a freelance writer and editor.

Thomas Legendre’s most recent novel, Keeping Time, was published by Acre Books in March. His previous work includes The Burning (a novel), Half Life (a play), and Dream Repair (a radio drama). He is an Assistant Professor in English at the University of Nottingham. For more detail visit

Andrew Joseph Kane’s fiction is forthcoming in Eckleburg. He is also a produced playwright and professional actor. He holds an MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College.

Vegas Baby
Jessica Walker’s short stories are published or forthcoming in Indiana Review, Booth, Bayou, Ninth Letter Online, and elsewhere. She is the winner of Bayou’s James Knudsen Prize for Short Fiction and an MFA candidate in Fiction at the University of Virginia. She recently received her first nomination for the Pushcart Prize.

Nina Schuyler is the author of The Translator, which won the 2014 Next Generation Indie Award for General Fiction and was shortlisted for the Saroyan International Writing Award. Her first novel, The Painting, was nominated for the Northern California Book Award and named a Best Book by the San Francisco Chronicle. Her short stories have been published in ZYZZYVA, Your Impossible Voice, Fugue, Santa Clara Review and elsewhere. She writes a column for Fiction Advocate about style and teaches creative writing at the University of San Francisco.

Jordan Hill is an adjunct professor at Florida International University where he teaches creative writing and rhetoric. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Islandia Journal, Whale Road Review, and The MacGuffin.

Jessica Dealing’s work has been published in Meat for Tea: The Valley Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, The MacGuffin, and elsewhere. She is an MFA candidate at Florida International University.

The Thief
Joseph Rakowski is a fiction writer. His short stories have been published by The Carolina Quarterly, The Antigonish Review, The Normal School, New Ohio Review, Witness Magazine, and elsewhere.

Elephants Bury Their Dead
Jasmine Sawers is a Kundiman fellow in fiction and a graduate of the MFA program at Indiana University. Originally from Buffalo, New York, Sawers now lives and pets dogs outside St. Louis. Sawers’s work has appeared in such publications as Ploughshares, Fairy Tale Review, and The Offing. Find out more at
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