Fiction Reviews

Maybe This Is What I Deserve by Tucker Leighty-Phillips
Reviewed by Shlagha Borah | July 21, 2023 Split/Lip Press, 2023 Paperback, $12 Tucker Leighty-Phillips’ flash fiction chapbook, Maybe This Is What I Deserve, is

Deadheading and Other Stories by Beth Gilstrap
Reviewed by Mariah Rigg | June 14, 2022Red Hen Press, 2021Paperback, 232 pages, $22.95 Beth Gilstrap’s Deadheading and Other Stories is a love letter to

Those Fantastic Lives, and Other Strange Stories by Bradley Sides
Reviewed by Rebecca Pyle | June 8, 2022Backlight Press, 2021Paperback, 130 pages, $16.95 A method artists and photographers use for determining the worthiness or power

The Predatory Animal Ball by Jennifer Fliss
Reviewed by Rebecca Pyle | May 2, 2022Okay Donkey Press, December 2021Paperback, 190 pages, $15.00 The shadow of war—our collective guilt, its drifting, numbing effect

Reversing Time by Charlotte R. Mendel
Reviewed by Jennifer Smith | February 15, 2022Guernica Edition/Microland Publishers, Fall 2021 Paperback, 314 pages, $21.95 Like many teenagers, Simon just wants to survive the school

Dig Me Out by Amy Lee Lillard
Reviewed by Jennifer Marie Donahue | November 16, 2021Atelier26 Books, October 2021Paperback, 214 pages, $16.00 The ten stories within Amy Lee Lillard’s debut collection, Dig

Maybe This Is What I Deserve by Tucker Leighty-Phillips
Reviewed by Shlagha Borah | July 21, 2023 Split/Lip Press, 2023 Paperback, $12 Tucker Leighty-Phillips’ flash fiction chapbook, Maybe This Is What I Deserve, is

Deadheading and Other Stories by Beth Gilstrap
Reviewed by Mariah Rigg | June 14, 2022Red Hen Press, 2021Paperback, 232 pages, $22.95 Beth Gilstrap’s Deadheading and Other Stories is a love letter to

Those Fantastic Lives, and Other Strange Stories by Bradley Sides
Reviewed by Rebecca Pyle | June 8, 2022Backlight Press, 2021Paperback, 130 pages, $16.95 A method artists and photographers use for determining the worthiness or power

The Predatory Animal Ball by Jennifer Fliss
Reviewed by Rebecca Pyle | May 2, 2022Okay Donkey Press, December 2021Paperback, 190 pages, $15.00 The shadow of war—our collective guilt, its drifting, numbing effect
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