Grist Book Reviews

Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative by Melissa Febos
Reviewed by Sara Biggs Chaney | June 21, 2022 Catapult Press, 2022 Paperback, 171 pages, $16.95 Melissa Febos begins Body Work with an insistence: personal writing is

Deadheading and Other Stories by Beth Gilstrap
Reviewed by Mariah Rigg | June 14, 2022Red Hen Press, 2021Paperback, 232 pages, $22.95 Beth Gilstrap’s Deadheading and Other Stories is a love letter to

Those Fantastic Lives, and Other Strange Stories by Bradley Sides
Reviewed by Rebecca Pyle | June 8, 2022Backlight Press, 2021Paperback, 130 pages, $16.95 A method artists and photographers use for determining the worthiness or power

The Predatory Animal Ball by Jennifer Fliss
Reviewed by Rebecca Pyle | May 2, 2022Okay Donkey Press, December 2021Paperback, 190 pages, $15.00 The shadow of war—our collective guilt, its drifting, numbing effect

Animal Disorders by Deborah Thompson
Reviewed by Torrie Jay White | April 26, 2022Black Lawrence Press, 2021Paperback, 102 pages, $19.95 “I would characterize myself,” Deborah Thompson writes in the introduction

One Person Holds So Much Silence by David Greenspan
Reviewed by María Castro Dominguez | April 19, 2022Driftwood Press, 2022Paperback, 80 pages, $14.99 One Person Holds So Much Silence is an eye-ear-mind-kicking collection of

Scale Model of a Country at Dawn by John Sibley Williams
Reviewed by Alison Hramiak | September 2, 2022Cider Press Review, 2022Paperback, 85 pp. $18.95 A Scale Model of a Country at Dawn by John Sibley

The Tillable Land by Melva Sue Priddy
Reviewed by Andrew Lee Butler | July 16, 2022Shadelandhouse Modern Press, 2022Paperback, 91 pp. $17.00 There is a line in The Tillable Land—a simple, straightforward

Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative by Melissa Febos
Reviewed by Sara Biggs Chaney | June 21, 2022 Catapult Press, 2022 Paperback, 171 pages, $16.95 Melissa Febos begins Body Work with an insistence: personal writing is

Deadheading and Other Stories by Beth Gilstrap
Reviewed by Mariah Rigg | June 14, 2022Red Hen Press, 2021Paperback, 232 pages, $22.95 Beth Gilstrap’s Deadheading and Other Stories is a love letter to
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